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details continued
Buy MosaicSlideShow is perfect for anyone who is looking for a distinctive way of displaying images. See the demos.
This Action can be used to run a slide show or to display just one image. Images can be displayed as one large tile or as a random pattern of smaller tiles. Each slide’s tiles are re-randomized so they never appear in the same order. Slides can be displayed as one image replacing another or by using a transition image between slides.
Mosaic slides can be easily and quickly prepared in a program like Adobe’s ImageReady®, using the Slice command.
You don't have to worry about naming and selecting all those tiles either. MosaicSlideShow uses "Smart file naming" that lets you quickly prepare the slide show page and the tiles. No tedious selection of slide tiles is necessary.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy MultiCache is used as an Action Headitem to cache up to 24 or images at one time while your page is loading. You can also display an optional caching progress bar. Caching will make your rollover images "Snap on" because they'll be pre-loaded into the Browser's cache and won't have to be downloaded when they're called for. You can even use MultiCache in tandem - one after the other - to cache all the images you need.
MultiCache is an industrial strength Load6Pack. If you have many menu images to load, then one MultiCache Action will do the job of 4 Load6Packs. Also includes options for delaying the caching start-up, and jumping to a URL after the last image has loaded.
The Progress Bar and the Jump to URL might not work reliably if you use a LOWSRC for your images. My reference material reports that version 4 browsers always return a value of true for an "image loaded" query. In my tests, MAC v4 browsers worked properly. WIN v4 browsers have not been tested. The caching progress bar does not work in browsers using the NN4 base code because these browsers will not allow an image to be resized.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4.
Buy MultiLink is a 3 action suite. MultiLink is used to replace up to 10 graphics with new images. You can also add rollover effects and URL links to your graphics. MultiRoll is used to process the rollover effects. MultiLinkTransport is used to process the URL links.
For example, you can click a menu button which opens up a secondary menu with selections that rollover and have their own URL links.
Load6Pack or MultiCache are perfect partners for this Action if you're building menus using the MultiLink rollover effect. Pre-caching images will make your menus snap to life.
MenuMaster can also be used to build Pop-up menus using layers (floating boxes) instead of images. Layers can contain any combination of text, images or image maps etc.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy OpenTimedWindow is used to open a new window with an optional auto-close timer. The window size can be set as a Percent of the screen size, in Pixels, or as Maximum screen size. The window can be positioned as Default, or at Top Left coordinates, or Centered in the screen.
A new window's contents can be locked to prevent user entries, in a Form for example, from being lost if they click the open window link again. Open many new windows from the same document. Up to four windows can have an optional count down timer.
CloseTimedWindow is used in any window to close up to six windows simultaneously, that were opened with OpenTimedWindow.
Buy PassMaster is a two Action suite. PassMaster verifies visitor’s User IDs and Passwords against a list of accepted IDs and Passwords. If a visitor is validated, PassMaster can optionally set a Cookie, then re-direct the visitor to their own custom page or to a default page. You can also set up a Password only check.
PassMasterVerify is an optional Action that is used to read the PassMaster Cookie. You can use this Action on the Password page to automatically re-direct valid visitors to their protected page, or use it on Protected pages to validate visitors before allowing them to remain. This prevents unauthorized people from accessing protected pages via bookmarks. There is also a Log Out option.
PassMaster's UserIDs and Passwords are kept in an external script file which is stored somewhere on your website. Most people won't know how to peek into this file, but it can happen.
This Action should only be used where casual security is good enough. For example, you might want to let selected people through to a page where information has been prepared just for them, but it would not be a serious breach of security if some enterprising person hacked their way through.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy PeekaBoo_DW PeekaBoo lets you easily create large or miniature flyouts that pop-up right next to the cursor. They can be triggered by mousing over or clicking a layer, graphic or image map hotspot.
Large flyouts can contain any content including iFrames with an HTML page. Miniature text flyouts are perfect for small information strips.
Flyout design options in PeekaBoo include CSS3 Round corners, Drop shadows and Linear background blends. These options only work in the latest browsers.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy PixelCop_GL is used as an onLoad event to redirect browsers based on the resolution of the user’s screen. Up to 6 resolutions can be tested for at one time and they can be re-directed to separate URLs. You can also resize the user’s browser window based on their resolution. Resizing can be in pixels , as a percentage of the screen size or maximum size.
PixelCop displays pop-up menus with 13 of the most common screen resolutions and an option to enter custom resolutions. You can also select the type of match... equal to, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4.
Buy PixelCop_DW is the same as above but with extra features. It can also test for Touch Screen devices and their screen resolutions. Great for re-directing iPhones, iPads and other smart phones and hand held pads.
Buy PopulateSelectList is used to populate up to 3 popup selection lists within a Form. Making a selection in the first popup populates the second with contents related to the first selection. You can set both the Text and Value fields of the selections. You can also set the Default selection.
This is the same type of action used in search engines and other category selection menus.
This Action is not compatible with IE 4.5 MAC. IE 4+ WIN has not been tested. Submitting a Form to an E-mail address does not work properly in some browsers - Safari for example. You’ll need a companion Action like Formatter or VerifyForm that prepare the data for E-mail submissions.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4.
Buy PopUpMultiUrl set up a Pop-Up list with one or more URL links for each selection in that list. You can design a frameset layout with a Pop-Up menu selection list in one frame, and change the content of several frames when the user selects one of those Pop-Up items. This Action can also open a new window for the URL.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4.
Buy Portfolio_GL 1.6.1 s a two Action suite. Portfolio is used to flip through documents with left and right hand thumbnail pages (each page is an image file: gif, jpg etc.). You can have up to three portfolios on your page with their own forward and backward controls, and one or two pages can be flipped at a time.
Images for all portfolios are kept in an external Javascript file. The total number of image pairs (two page spreads) is limited to 999.
PortfolioLinks is used to open a new window with its own HTML content, for each page in your portfolio. An excellent way to present detailed close ups of each page. You can even set up other sub-portfolios in the new windows.
URLs for all portfolio pages are kept in an external Javascript file. The total number of window pairs (two windows per spread) is limited to 999.
Portfolio also works when “Import CS Library” is selected. This will store all Portfolio files in the CSScriptLib.js library instead of on the HTML page.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy Portfolio_DW 2.0 for Dreamweaver is a different product than the GoLive version.
Need a page flipper for your image documents? Portfolio is worth looking at.
Create documents like magazines, art and photography portfolios or product brochures by exporting the pages from a PDF file or your editing software as sequentially numbered jpg, png or gif images. Portfolio will automatically select the proper single page or facing page images from your folder. Users can flip the pages forward or backward or jump to a page number.
Users don't have to wait for the whole document to download. It's ready for viewing as soon as your first page loads.
Built in smart pre-caching means that the next page is automatically cached in the background while the reader is looking at the on-screen page. Page flipping is seamless and fast.
There are five transition effects for flipping single page documents. Facing page documents can use either snap-on or page flipping. Comes with three template pages for quick and easy setup of new documents. Flipping controls include forward and backward, last page, first page, and goto page.
• Save pages as images from InDesign, Acrobat etc. then create a Portfolio document in seconds.
• Documents are ready for flipping and viewing as soon as your first page has been downloaded.
• Smart pre-caching makes page turning fast.
• No need for plugins. Works on iPhones, iPads and all other browsers including IE 8 for Windows.
• Demos Facing page demo, single page demo, portfolio demo.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6.0.1, Internet Explorer 5.4.
Buy RadioRollover is a 2 Action suite. This Action is used to setup menus using rollover images that act just like radio buttons. Buttons highlight as the mouse passes over them. When one is clicked, it stays highlighted until another button is clicked.
You can also add optional links and target frames to each button. The rollover effects can be either 2 state, 3 state or a combination of both. You can also select a default button that is highlighted when the page first loads.
RadioRollover can be used on several pages, or in a frame layout with the Rollover images in one frame and the new content targeted to a different frame.
This Action can be teamed up with ShowOff to create Smart menu systems. See the ShowOff pdf file for details.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy ReloadPage is used to force browsers to load a page fresh from the server instead of loading it from the Browser’s cache. Important if you are updating pages regularly.
ReloadPage first checks if a ReloadPage Cookie has been set for this page. If it has, the reload process is skipped. If it hasn’t, ReloadPage sets a status cookie then calls for the present page to be reloaded from the server. The page is not reloaded if the user has their Cookies turned off.
Some browsers like Safari won't load a new page unless the cache has been manually cleared. Cookie control ensure that a fresh page is loaded.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy RemoteFrameSet is used to control the content of frames from links that you have set up in a new browser window. It will also force a frameset into the parent window if it isn’t already loaded, and then change the contents up to 5 of those frames.
This Action can also force visitors to view your frame pages inside your frameset if they try to access one of those pages directly. It does this by opening your frameset in a new window then closing down the parent window (more details in the pdf file). Great for stopping visitors from viewing your pages out of context.
Some browsers won't allow the parent window to be closed by Javascript without the user's permission, and some won't allow a frame, that has a URL containing an outside host, to be replaced. Frames that contain your website’s pages, seem to work fine.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy ScrollFrame is used to scroll a window or a frame and iFrame. Scrolling can be up, down, left or right. There is an option to scroll continuously for so many pixels, or to scroll to an Anchor, or to scroll one browser window full with each click. You can also set the speed and coarseness of scrolling.
ScrollFrame can help you get rid of those unsightly scroll bars in a frame set layout. However, Netscape 6 MAC disables Javascript control over scrolling if the frame’s Scroll Bars option is turned off.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 5.
Buy ScrollIt can easily help you set up one or more scroll areas on a page. Each one has its own scrolling controls. Scrolling can be Up Down Left and Right. ScrollIt is great for setting up lots of content on pages where space is at a premium. Compatible with all popular browser.
Some browser versions might support scrolling differently on various platforms.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy Scrollmenu is used to design multi-level, animated Pop-Up menus. When a visitor clicks or mouses over a menu selection, the other selections shift out of the way making room for a Pop-up menu that scrolls into the space. Shifting menus are helpful when page real estate is at a premium. Shifting and Scrolling can move either left, right, up or down. The number of cascading Pop-up levels you can set up are practically unlimited.
You can also set up Text Strips that behave like rollover menu buttons, and anchor or center your menus so they always stay put.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy ShadowRadius is used to set CSS3 Drop Shadows, Rounded corners and Background linear blends for any AP Div (GoLive layer) on your page. Change up to 3 APDs at a time with one Action. Can be used in tandem for more.
Different values can be used for the horizontal and vertical radius of all 4 corners. The blur and distance and color of Drop shadows can be customized. Linear blends can be set from a start color and distance, to an end color and distance, at any angle. Demo
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 8, Internet Explorer 9.
Buy Showcase is a two action suite. The Showcase Action is used to set up Forward and Backward buttons that let you change up to 12 images (thumbnails) with one click. Each of these images can have a custom link that can be used to display a larger image, or open a new window with HTML content, or make a floating box visible. You can design several pages, each having up to 6 showcases.
Image sets for all showcases are specified in an external Javascript file. The total number of 12 image sets is limited to 9999.
The ShowCaseLinks Action is used with Showcase. When a user clicks on a thumbnail, ShowCaseLinks can either load a larger image into an image placeholder, or open a new window with its own HTML content. An excellent way to present detailed blow-ups of each thumbnail. You can even set up other sub-showcases in the new windows.
ShowCase also works when “Import CS Library” is selected. This will store all ShowCase files in the CSScriptLib.js library instead of on the HTML page.
This Action suite can be used to hide and show floating boxes. Floating boxes only work with Netscape 4+ and Explorer 4+ browsers.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy ShowOff is used to display a pop-up box while automatically hiding the previous box. For example you can stack boxes on top of each other and have them pop-up when someone clicks or cursors over a different link. You can build up to 4 separate pop-up box groups on one page. ShowOff is a fantastic space saver! This website uses it for these information boxes.
This Action can also be teamed up with RadioRollover to create comprehensive menu systems with 2 or 3 stage radio rollover buttons.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4.5.
Buy ShrinkWrapper can be used to set up a gallery page for displaying your Art and Photography, and help protect your proprietary work from being easily snagged by visitors.
Attach this Action to a thumbnail image. When the thumbnail is clicked, the large display image opens in a new window which automatically wraps itself around the protected image. This image can NOT be manually downloaded. You can even overprint the image with a semi-transparent Watermark to foil screen captures. You select the watermark and its opacity. The new window can be centered in the user's screen or positioned at Left Top coordinates.
The opacity of the main browser window can also be set when a thumbnail is clicked, so your display images pop right off the screen. The opacity returns to normal when the main browser window is clicked.
The opacity functiion might not work in some earier browsers like IE 5.2 Mac. IE 5.2 Mac also has a 336px X 206px minimum window resize.
IE 7 Win fades the entire page including the background color, toward white when setting Opacity. All other browsers fade toward the background color.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy StayPut Use this Behavior keep your menu or any content inside a container AP Div (layer) centered horizontally and/or vertically in the browser window. An AP Div can also be made to stay fixed if the page is scrolled, or it can automatically stretch its width and/or height to the full window width size, or stay centered when the user resizes or scrolls the browser window.
Browser/Platform combinations behave differently when using StayPut options. Please read the cautions in the pdf file.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 4.
Buy StickemUp can post one or more AP Div or Windowed sticky notes. The AP Div notes can be pre-designed and can contain any content including an iFrame linked to an HTML page. Notes can also have rounded corners and drop shadows. Great for small information or instruction notes. Demo.
The windowed notes can be placed in the center or in either corner of the user’s screen. The note background can be any color. Text can be small, medium or large, or you can use the included Style Sheet to set the text properties. Notes can be any size, and open as plain windows without window chrome. Text is entered as one line of text. Notes can be manually or automatically closed using an auto-closet timer.
FireFox 8.0.1, IE10, .Safari 4+. Chrome 2+ Opera 11.10.
The above browsers for Win & Mac support most of the CSS3 features used in this Behavior, and they're improving with every new version.
This Windowed notes will not open as windows if the user has selected “Do not allow pop-up windows” in their browser.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy StyleCop is used as a Head Action to change a page's Style Sheet based on screen resolution, browser, browser version, browser Language and platform (Mac or Win or WebTV). It can be set up to detect any browser!
Up to 4 tests can be made with one Action. Use it in tandem for more tests. You can also change the visitor’s browser window size based on their screen resolution.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4, AOL 4, WebTV 2.2.
Buy StyleDirect can load custom Style Sheets for different Browser/Platform combinations. It checks for the browser class (Netscape, Explorer), and what platform they’re running on (Macintosh or Windows or WebTV), then loads the style sheet that you have designed for that combination.
You can also use this Action to hot-swap style sheets after the page loads. For example, you can build a text zoom tool for your pages. StyleDirect sets a cookie with their choice and automatically selects that style sheet the next time they visit.
Not much is known about MSNTV Javascript compatibility with other browsers. According to my reference material, WebTV v1.2's userAgent ID is Mozilla/3.0 and it's compatible with MSIE 2.0 which emulates Navigator 3.0.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4, AOL 4, WebTV 2.2.
Buy StylesToDiv prepares all the layers on your page so Browsers will print them properly.
Try this test. Print one of your web pages that has layers (floating boxes) on it. If the layers were scattered all over the place then this is what your visitors will see when they print the page.
Some earlier browsers don't support all the Layer (floating box) properties. There may be some irregularities in printing when using these browsers.
Base Compatibility:
Internet Explorer 5+, Navigator 6+.
Buy SuperAdCarousel is used to display a different ad each time your page loads. The ads can be a combination of image and SWF graphics. You can set up several ad locations on a page and display up to 3600 ads per location.
Banner Ad files and their Links are defined in an external Javascript file.
SuperAdCarousel has a unique method to ensure that each ad in your line-up has an equal chance to be seen. Ad exposure is based on either 1 second or i minute intervals. This means that at every interrval the ad cue is rotated one slot. Equality of exposure is based on the assumption that users will access your site at random times giving each ad an equal turn at bat.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.
Buy SuperFlipFlop is a very powerful Action for controlling the visibility and background color of AP Divs (floating boxes). It can control up to 6 APDs at once or be used in tandem for more. You also have the option to show or hide all the deep nested APDs within an AP Div. SuperFlipFlop works between frames as well, so you can click on a link in one frame and control APDs in another.
Navigator 4 is supported in this Action but this browser has limited support for Layer properties.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4.
Buy SuperPageCarousel is used to display a different HTML page each time someone accesses your URL. You can define up to 3600 pages.
SuperPageCarousel has a unique method to ensure that each page in your line-up has an equal chance to be seen. Exposure is based on either 1 second or i minute intervals. This means that at every interrval the page cue is rotated one slot. Equality of exposure is based on the assumption that users will access your site at random times giving each page an equal turn at bat.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.01, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy SwapFrameSet is used to change the content of up to 5 frames with one click.
Select an event that will trigger the action - like a Mouse Click or Mouse Over etc. Enter the names of up to 5 frames and the URLs pointing to the new content, and that's it.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy TagToggle is used to toggle the color of any text and text backgrounds on the page - not just linked text.
The text color changes when the user cursors over the text, then changes back to its original color when the cursor leaves the text. Up to 6 HTML and Style Sheet tags with their own color combinations can be specified per Action. Use this Action in tandem to define more.
TagToggle works with Explorer 5+ and Navigator 6+ browsers.
Base Compatibility:
Internet Explorer 5, Navigator 6.
Buy TimedDateWindow is used to automatically load a different HTML page for each day of the year, and for selected days of the week. The new URL can be opened in the parent window or a new window. The new window also has an optional count down timer which will automatically close the window after a specified time. Great for calendar of events or daily price lists.
You don't have to enter a bazillion file names either! TimedDateWindow can be left completely unattended because it constructs the daily file name from the date. All you have to do is make sure you have a page ready for that day.
The window also has an optional count down timer which will automatically close the window after a specified time. When the new window opens, the timer begins to count down the specified seconds. When the time has elapsed, the window will close and the focus will be returned to the main window. The countdown timer does not interfere with the new window functions. The user can move it, resize it or select URL links.
TimedDateWindow constructs the daily file names from the date on the user’s computer. If that date is wrong, the wrong page will be loaded in their browser. There are also time zone differences to consider.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy TimeImage is used to schedule the display of images at certain times of the day and on certain days of the week. For example you can schedule image 1 to display at 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM, image 2, at 11:31 AM to 3:00 PM on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and so on. Each image can have its own link. Great for automating page content changes.
TimeImage can schedule images using the date and time of the user’s computer or by calculating the date and time for any time zone.
Let TimeImage handle some of your daily website to-dos. It's cheaper than hiring illegal help.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.01, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy TimePage is used to schedule the display of pages at certain times of the day and on certain days of the week. For example you can schedule page 1 to open, from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM, page 2, from 11:31 AM to 3:00 PM on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and so on. The pages can open in either the present window, a new window with an optional auto-close timer, or a frame. Great for automating Website pages that announces events through out the day.
TimePage can schedule pages using the date and time of the user’s computer or by calculating the date and time for any time zone.
It's worth letting TimePage handle some of your daily to-dos, and take them off your mind. And you don't even have to buy it coffee.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy TrafficMaster is a two Action suite that is used to stop visitors from entering certain pages in your website without going through an Entrance Page first. The idea is to stop visitors from accessing interior pages directly from a search engine or a bookmark.
TrafficMaster is used on the entrance page and writes a Cookie to the visitor’s browser. Cookie life can be set in Minutes, Hours or Days.
TrafficMasterVerify is used on the protected pages. It checks if there is a valid Visitor Cookie, and re-directs the visitor to the entrance page if one isn’t found.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy Transparency is used to create a cross fade transition effect where one image fades into another. Each image can have its own optional re-direct link.
Or you can set the Opacity (transparency) level of images, AP Divs (floating boxes) and pages. You can set the transparency of an object, or you can create a transition effect where the object is faded into or out of view. Opacity can be set between 0% and 100% in 1% or more increments. The delay between percentage changes can also be set to refine the animation speed.
When setting the transparency for layers, everything inside the layer is affected.
Internet Explorer 5 for Mac does not support the Javascript Opacity property.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6 Windows.
Buy VerifyForm is a powerful, industrial strength Form checker that is used to verify entries in up to 15 fields on a standard HTML form. There are 20 verification categories, 4 field modifiers that can be applied to user entries, and 2 special purpose options. There is also an option to guard against duplicate submission. Works with Active Server pages.
Comes with a QuickStart template page and guide that is already set up with all the VerifyForm essentials to get you up and running fast. More details.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 3.0.1, Internet Explorer 3.
Buy WindowTemplate can load a pre-designed blank template page into a new window. This template page can have frames, blank image placeholders, pre-designed content in hidden floating boxes, and blank floating boxes ready to receive a URL. Use this cool Action to customize content to menu selections, and reduce the number of pages needed in a site.
This Action requires that you change one or more HTML tags in the source view, by hand. Although not difficult, some familiarity with source HTML code would make you more comfortable doing this.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4.
Buy ZipScroller is used to create Information Panels that scroll out when a user mouses over a link, then zip back automatically when the user either cursors out of the link, the box, or optionally when the panel times out.
You can even set up a Panel to scroll out when the page loads then zip back after a time delay.
The panel can scroll up and down, or left and right. ZipScroller is great for setting up lots of content on pages where space is at a premium, and where you want to feed out information as it’s needed.
Only one panel (floating box) can be visible at a time. When a new panel is opened, the previous one is closed whether it is on a timer or not.
Base Compatibility:
Netscape 6, Internet Explorer 6.