your new software was sent as an eMail attachment
If you've been waiting several days for your order, and you're not receiving replies to your eMail, then follow the instructions on this page...
Orders placed during work days are filled within one day. Weekend orders might take 2 days. Orders placed during vacation shut down could take a week or so.
Vacation info is posted on Café Buzz.
We take customer satisfaction very seriously. Every effort is made to deliver your new software or answer your inquiries ASAP.
Once in a while our eMail fails to get through. The usual causes are a bad eMail address, your mail box is full or your SPAM filter or server is blocking the mail.
Make sure the eMail address on your mail to actionscafé is correct. If it is, then check your mail box and SPAM folder, or contact your ISP to make sure that eMail from or is not being blocked.
If eMail contact seems to be failing, call 905-338-5206 or 289-259-5683 cell. Sorry, we can only return long distance calls to North American customers.
Unfortunately blocked eMail is beyond our control and is the responsibility of the customer.
Our only advertising comes from satisfied customers.
If you like the software and support, please tell another user. We would appreciate it.